The most important part of a STETHOSCOPE is the BRAIN between the ear piece

Fri Jan 27, 2023

The most important part of a Stethoscope is the BRAIN between the ear piece

Though we use many tools, technologies and strategies to enhance our clinical practice the most important thing is the doctor and his skillfulness

A doctor uses updated knowledge, experience along with clinical judgement and patient's understanding, to identify the options for investigating, treating or managing the patient's condition (including the option to take no action)

Let’s look into few pointers which each one of us should abide to :

1. Empathy is essential :

Regardless of what the healthcare system looks like, or how technology enhances clinical care, the patient-clinician relationship will remain a focus FOREVER. There is nothing BEYOND or above it.

The core skills of being a physician, are what they probably were 100 years ago—talking to patients and the treating them well. Nothing can replace the loving act of ‘touching’ people—or in the hospital setting, sitting beside their bed, with permission, and either examining them or just holding their hand. Our job is to be, HEALERS, to the best of our ability and knowledge.

2. Complexity to familiarity :

If you’re a clinician, you have to make sure that when your patient is leaving, they understand what you were talking about. It may about the disease he is suffering from , the medicine you have prescribed, the lifestyle modifications, the system of medicine you are practicing, the need for follow up/ investigations etc. Always allow patients to ask that “ONE LAST QUESTION”

Instead of just saying, ‘Exercise is good for you.’ You should be telling him, ‘I want you to commit to walking for 40 mins a day and doing 20 pushups every other day’. Thereby translating a broad concept (of doing healthy exercise) into a specific skill (which he can incorporate in his daily schedule). We can also note the instructions given on the case sheet and when your patient sees you again, ask him ‘How did it go?’. That shows that you really CARE.

3. Being an LLL doctor - Life Long Learner

Medical science is constantly evolving & expanding, and will continue to expand and evolve. Attending CMEs, reading updated literature cannot replace the importance of self-learning.

4. New era - New skills - for telemedicine / online consultation

Telemedicine in which patients consult with doctor over video chat, apps or other interfaces—is becoming more and more popular. This shift has given rise to new aspects of medical education, as students learn specialized skills for interacting, examining and connecting with patients remotely. Irrespective of age, a doctor in 2022 & beyond should have the know-how of how to effectively use those technologies for the benefit of his clinical practice. There is no SIN greater than IGNORANCE

Happy learning days ahead !

Alex kurian
The Medipreneur Coach

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