The kind of activity conducted with an objective of earning profits is called a BUSINESS. Lets get started with the discussion of inputs of whether DOCTOR is just a Service provider OR a Businessman ? YES ! Business is a vehicle to serve people, unlike our strong belief that Business is a selfish m...
SPEED to LEAD As practicing Clinicians, we get calls/ messages from two category of people 1. Our existing patient 2. A new patient enquiry Are we responding quickly enough to them ? Negligence / delay in responding to them, can easily lead to a loss in patient loyalty & business. We have to have a...
WHY & HOW to increase your medical practice revenue by UP-SELLLING & CROSS-SELLING PRELUDE : A hidden truth behind the success of eminent doctors is that, they make every opportunity to increase their revenue generation or profits. Real success of a Medipreneur, unfolds when he finds or device solu...
The most important part of a STETHOSCOPE is the BRAIN between the ear piece The most important part of a Stethoscope is the BRAIN between the ear piece Though we use many tools, technologies and strategies to enhance our clinical practice the most important thing is the doctor and his skillfulness ...
4 Things you should know to Boost your Clinic Income (after reading, PLEASE DO SHARE YOUR Views / Experience / Ideas /Opinion / Techniques / Queries with regards to this topic in the comments below) Most doctors rely on the patient fee as the ONLY source of their revenue. Let us broadly classify th...